Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 215 - Sales Call Timing

Since I am embarking on my new goal of 5 new clients in the next 8 weeks I
thought I would quickly discuss the timing of the sales call which is
critical and can vary depending on the type of establishment you are
targeting. Some general guidelines that I will need to follow (which I had
learned rather quickly in the beginning) to be successful are:

1) Restaurant/Bar - if they serve lunch you don't want to stop in
during their lunch rush or even prior when they might be prepping for a big
rush, so between 2:30 and 4:30, after lunch and before dinner is best.

2) Pubs/Taverns - If they serve lunch treat them like any other
restaurant, however with a pub style bar their late afternoons can also be
very busy with the 3:00pm crowd who are just coming in after work. I find
just popping in you will be able to tell, if they are busy at 3:00pm try
back tomorrow at 2:00 or even 1:30, because if they have an afternoon-after
work clientele then their lunch might also be earlier or non-existent.

3) Nightclub/Bar - these are tougher to track down the owners as they
might not always be on-site and they are only open late at night on
weekends. My most success is to track down the owners office or daytime
contact info and set something up ahead of time if you can. But if not I
find Wednesday and Thursday late afternoons you might have a chance to track
someone down at the club while they are getting ready for the upcoming
weekend. Monday's are typically a no-go......especially if they are open on
Sunday nights.

4) And for almost any type of establishment, do NOT stop by on Friday
unless it has been previously scheduled. It's Friday, their busy, their's Friday.

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