Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 226 - The Power of Networking

Don’t ever under estimate the power of networking with anyone from any walk of life through any means possible. It is amazing the types of contacts you can develop just by simply giving a 30 second elevator pitch to people in everyday conversations. You don’t necessarily have to network with people that work in the industry because it's “a small world” and I have made a number of great contacts over the past 6 months by simply talking to lots of people about what we do. A construction contractor just the other day gave me some great contacts from clients of his where he has completed recent renovations and my insurance agent through conversation gave me the heads up on an establishment that was discussing inventory control, which turned out to be a great qualified lead. In addition to making conversation with anyone you have a chance to talk to, social media forums are exploding and the power of facebook and Linkedin have been invaluable with building my network and getting the word out. Becoming a “friend” or “linking” to someone in the industry or having them be a follower on my BEVINCO of South Western Ontario fan page has also been spectacular as they too will be connected to many people that would be interested in our service.

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